Talent DNA Projects

MyLifeScene – College Student Talent DNA Profile (Patent Pending)

MyLifeScene.net (MLS) is a social media profile that is engineered to help students identify and develop their innate Talents and Character Strengths.

MyLifeScene uses Positive Forensics™ as a discovery technology. This is delivered using the Life Scene Investigation curriculum – LMS to create the baseline MyLifeScene student Talent profile.

After the baseline Talent DNA profile has been created, an engagement experience will continue to collect data throughout the student’s education and beyond.

A Predictive Analytic model will be developed from the data. The data will be used to identify class selection, majors and career options for students. The data will give universities and schools the ability to know their students and provide detailed and tailored programs and services for their students.

The student will exit college with a multi-stream, data rich Talent DNA Profile. This profile will be the platform for marketing their Talent and finding careers that engage them and encourage exceptional performance

Students and other individuals who are interested in connecting and discussing how you can be a part of development and beta testing of this product can fill in the form below.

Colleges and schools who are interested in connecting and discussing how you can be a part of development and beta testing of this product can call Mark R Demos (425) 492-4300 or email, mark.demos@mylifescene.com

We have some of the world’s leading experts in Predictive Analytics and Social Psychology consulting with us. including, Dr. Michal Kosinski from Stanford Graduate School of Business and Dr. Peggy Kern, former head of the Positive Psychology department at the University of Pennsylvania.